środa, 31 grudnia 2008
poniedziałek, 22 grudnia 2008
Surveillance by Gazeta Wyborcza
Od listopada ubiegłego roku przeglądano mój blog z biura spółki Agora SA ponad 100 razy. 28 maja 2008 było 16 odsłon mojego bloga spod adresu tej firmy.
Agora SA is the mother company of Gazeta Wyborcza, the leading newspaper in the postcommunist Poland. My blog was viewed over 100 times from the offices of Agora SA since November 2007. On 28 May 2008 there were 16 visits from that address.
Etykiety: Adam Michnik, blog, Gazeta Wyborcza
Comrade Bogdan Lis
Dziennik Bałtycki 21 September 2007. Comrade Bogdan Lis in an interview before last year's parliamentary elections. English translation follows.
English version.
How often do your former friends call you a commie?Nice scene, nice operational work, comrade. You really have life-long experience of lying and working for the communist dictatorship.
Never. They know I believe in what I am doing. Although recently I had an argument with some PiS (PiS - Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) activist in a convenience store near my apartment. I do not know him but he recognized me. However he did not speak to me directly. He talked with the sales lady. He first described how he was overthrowing the communism in 1988 while "Lis and others like him" were nowhere to be seen. Then he showed the banner of Platforma Obywatelska with the slogan "The rules of PiS - contempt" and continued to speak to the lady, "You see, they should be beating them with the police sticks and lock behind bards for things like these". Then I had enough and I said "You know, we remember the times when they were beating with sticks and locked behind bars for hanging posters on the walls". He said "This was good. At least people obeyed the law". He looked like a retired ubek (communist secret police member), trying to cure his frustration in Prawo and Sprawiedliwość. I am not saying everyone in PiS is like that, but it really tells you something that he was not afraid to come out with such views.
Bogdan Lis was one of the leaders of the Solidarity trade union in the 1980s. In reality he never stopped working for the communists. Faithful member of PZPR (the communist party) and ZMS (The Union of Socialist Youth) he joined Solidarity only to spy on union activists and destroy the Solidarity from within.
What about former secret police functionaries becoming members of Prawo and Sprawiedliwość? There are signs that some of them indeed have joined PiS. They can spy on PiS members from within the party, destroying it while giving an excuse for attacking PiS.
Most likely the scene in the convenience store was arranged. It is a piece of cake for comrade Lis and his friends from SB. The sales lady could then tell everyone from the neighborhood how comrade Lis was defending democracy. Bogdan Lis entered Sejm (the Polish Parliament) as a member of LiD, Lewica and Demokraci, a somewhat repainted communist party.
Etykiety: Bogdan Lis, komunizm, PZPR, SB
środa, 17 grudnia 2008
Michnik, Gazeta Wyborcza, socjotechnika
Another attack on President Lech Kaczyński and Poland. The first of the titles inside the red frame is "President's suicidal strategy". The next is "Murderers of Poles unknown". One of the Gazeta Wyborcza's (and other media) techniques of vicious attacks againt President Kaczyński is the placement of words such as murderer, rapist etc. near "prezydent" or "Kaczyński".
Kolejny atak na Prezydenta i na Polskę w portalu Gazety Wyborczej. Zwróćmy uwagę na sąsiedztwo tych słów ze słowami samobójczy i mordercy. Stały element socjotechniki Wyborczej Michnika.
Etykiety: Adam Michnik, agresja, Gazeta Wyborcza, socjotechnika
wtorek, 16 grudnia 2008
It's the morality, comrade
Former member of the communist party PZPR labels the presidential veto to one of the parliament's legislative acts as 'immoral'. The picture shows the front page of Gazeta Wyborcza's portal. What a bad joke.
Balcerowicz applied and was accepted to the communist party in 1969, when he was 22. This was shortly after the brutal suppression of the Prague Spring and after the anticommunist demonstrations in Poland and the following repressions of 1968. Right after the antisemitic campaign led by the communist minister of interior comrade Moczar.
In 1978-1980 Balcerowicz worked at the Institute of the Fundamental Problems of Marxism-Leninism which was under direct supervision of the Central Committee of PZPR.
This was as far away from morality, decency and reason as you could get.
Balcerowicz is responsible for massive pathologies of the early 1990s. He is the hero of the communist nomenklatura, who could do with the state enterprises whatever they wanted. And so many did overtake (read: stole) public property and suddenly became owners of e.g. the factories where they worked as directors. There was absolutely no control over the management of the state property. The communist fortunes have risen thanks to Balcerowicz. The ministry of finance and many other ministries at that time were run by the communists. Balcerowicz did not lift a finger to introduce change and bring in new people without communist ties who were not corrupt by the communist regime.
Balcerowicz is responsible for the corruption of those times and for sweeping various scandals under the carpet. The former owners of land, buildings and factories that were confiscated by the communists after WWII in most cases were not able to recover their property. The new cast of communists-turned-capitalists was born. The apparatchiks and collaborators of the communist secret police had all the support they needed. The rest of the population had no chance in this race.
The communist 'moralists' (how is that for an oxymoron?) from Gazeta Wyborcza should start the project to build a mausoleum for their hero, comrade Balcerowicz, who served their party fellows so well.
Etykiety: Adam Michnik, Balcerowicz, fałsz, fałszowanie narracji, Gazeta Wyborcza, komunizm, PZPR, symulacja
poniedziałek, 15 grudnia 2008
sobota, 13 grudnia 2008
And the winner is...
The night 12/13 December 2008. The anniversary of the imposition of martial law in Poland 1981. One of the two guests in the TVP Info studio was Bogdan Lis, former member of PZPR, the communist party and one of the Solidarity leaders. The discussion was accompanied by live broadcast from the street demonstration in front of the Jaruzelski's apartment.
Today Bogdan Lis is a member of parliament representing the party Lewica and Demokraci (LiD) . LiD is a postcommunist party where former apparatchiks from PZPR (Szmajdziński, Kwaśniewski, Borowski) unite with a group of former Solidarity leaders, some of whom were also members of PZPR for some time. Happily together.
The first picture shows Bogdan Lis.
On the next picture you can see the flag of the Polish Communist Party (Komunistyczna Partia Polski). This organization existed between WW I and WW II and planned to stage communist revolution in Poland and hand over areas of Poland to the Soviet Union and Germany (that would also be ruled by communists after a revolution). KPP was run from Moscow and was outlawed in Poland. During the entire interview with Jaruzelski's supporter the KPP flag was prominently displayed in the background. The tv crew did nothing to prevent this. They were filming and the red flag was shown. Remember that both Nazi and communist ideology is banned in Poland today.
Imagine a swastika shown on a public tv in Germany. What would the reaction be? However, the guests in the studio did not seem uncomfortable with what they saw. The woman reporter did not do anything to remove the KPP flag from the picture. What does this situation tell you? Just think a little.

The demonstration had a totalitarian feel. The night, the torches lit at midnight by an "anticommunist group" holding the banner Młodzież Wszechpolska, men in the pro-communist group standing back to the camera, not eager to show their faces. The 180 participants (the number was given in the news the next day) were split by the police line.
It looked surreal. If you think of a demonstration, would you organize it at night? No people on the streets. No one around to join spontaneously. You will never get a crowd.
The whole concept of staging a night demonstration in front of Jaruzelski's house make no sense. However it would make perfect sense if we allow to think that the entire thing was organized by Jaruzelski supporters who divided among themselves the roles of "anticommunists" and Jaruzelski defenders. It is a funny thought but surprisingly it explains logically the time and place of the event. The additional bonus of such a fake demonstration is the excuse to stop demonstrating when Jaruzelski dies.
The British poet John Masefield once wrote:
I have seen flowers come in stony places,Now you can easily complete the phrase from the title of this post.
And kind things done by men with ugly faces,
And the gold cup won by the worst horse at the races.
So I trust, too.
Etykiety: Bogdan Lis, komunizm, symulacja, TVP
czwartek, 11 grudnia 2008
Looking to the stars, working for the devil
When the news about Wolszczan's collaboration with the SB came out he just happened to be in Poland. How convenient. The timing of Gazeta Polska's publication about Wolszczan was probably not accidental. Wolszczan was immediately available to control the damage. GP released the news when it was already clear that it will come out anyway - the special university commission in Toruń investigating the links of the faculty to the communist secret police already knew the facts.
Here is an interesting piece from the Daily Collegian, the Penn State's campus newspaper (there are quite a few strange pieces in the article written by Matthew Spolar, e.g. the claim that Wolszczan criticized the communist regime on the student radio broadcast and smuggled underground literature; fake excuses I think).
Bernhard said Wolszczan's account of clamming up when talking to the secret police is "certainly believable" and was used by many Poles in his situation.Michael Bernhard is a professor of political science at Penn State and a collaborator of Jan Kofman and Henryk Szlajfer. Both Kofman and Szlajfer come from communist families, from the same group of people as Michnik and Kuron. Kofman was the editor-in-chief of PWN (Polskie Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Polish Scientific Publishers) for several years in the 1990s. No doubt communist connections helped. Szlajfer's entire family worked for the communists. His uncle was a communist partisan (probably working for NKVD) in WWII and got killed by the anticommunist underground forces in Poland. Paul Lendvai wrote in his book "Anti-Semitism Without Jews: Communist Eastern Europe" that Szlajfer agreed to work for the communist secret police during an interrogation in 1968. After 1989 Szlajfer was working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and became the head of the American department and the editor-in-chief of the bilingual "Polish Quarterly of International Affairs".
"Some of [the SB agents] made stuff up to please their superiors," Bernhard said. "In the case of someone like [Wolszczan], with a reputation as a world-class researcher, someone may have made something up as well, as a way to put pressure on him or to ruin his reputation."
Wolszczan said he took presents from the SB to avoid confrontation, but threw them away.
"There was absolutely no way I would accept anything from the SB," he told the university.
In 2005 Szlajfer was the top candidate for the Ambassador of Poland to the United States. However IPN (Institute of National Remembrance, they hold what was left from the communist secret archives) refused to give clearance to Szlajfer. Only then Szlajfer withdrew his candidacy.
So who is teaching political science in the US? What do the students learn from Michael Bernhard whose Polish friends are so deeply immersed in the communism? That it was ok and normal to work for the communist secret police? That there is nothing wrong with it?
In November 2008 we heard that the director of the Astronomy Center at the Copernicus University in Torun, prof. Kus, was also a communist agent. It is very interesting to read what Kus said about Wolszczan just two months earlier, when we learned about Wolszczan's work for the SB:
- Pisanie historii na podstawie teczek esbeków to błąd. Nie wierzę, że prof. Wolszczan był współpracownikiem SB - deklaruje dyrektor CA UMK prof. Andrzej Kus. - Znam go od lat i wiem, że to porządny człowiek.
In English:
"Writing history based on the communist secret police archives is a mistake. I do not believe that prof. Wolszczan was a collaborator of the SB," declares director of the Astronomy Center of UMK prof. Andrzej Kus. "I know him for many years and I know he is a decent man".
If this were a comedy we would laugh our heads off. But this is a serious problem. It shows you that the communist collaborators praise each other like in a well rehearsed script.
Whenever you scratch the surface somewhere, you immediately get communists, agents of SB and voices of support coming from guys like them. But the general public most often doesn't know that the person expressing support is another communist, their agent or someone from their family. These guys are in top positions today. They basically run the country.
Etykiety: Aleksander Wolszczan, PRL, SB
poniedziałek, 8 grudnia 2008
Specjalista od korytarzy
Wildstein. Funkcjonariusz Wildstein.
W ubiegłym tygodniu czołowy specjalista od niepokazywania niczego, Bronisław Wildstein, pokazał w swoim programie w TVP, jak przechadzał się po korytarzach.
Co pokazał i co ujawnił Wildstein? Pokazał, jak wyglądają korytarze Instytutu Dziennikarstwa i Nauk Politycznych Uniersytetu Śląskiego. Farba na ścianach jest koloru żółtego. Są lamperie. Widać było dwie studentki schodzące po schodach. Jana Iwanka, współpracownika SB, szukał tak nieudolnie, że nie mógł go spotkać.
W jednym z ujęć Wildstein wchodzi do sekretariatu i pyta, gdzie może spotkać Iwanka. Pani odpowiada, że ma wykład. Wildstein idzie pod salę wykładową. Iwanek kończy wykład i znika wyjściem dolnym z audytorium. Wildstein stoi pod wyjściem górnym i Iwanka nie spotyka.
Wildstein wcale nie chciał pokazać Iwanka w telewizji. Chodzenie po korytarzach UŚ to typowe zajmowanie czasu antenowego bzdetami. Gdyby chciał pokazać Iwanka, nie musiałby pytać w sekretariacie, gdzie on teraz jest, bo wiedziałby o tym znacznie wcześniej z rozkładu zajęć. Każdy, kto chodził na jakieś wykłady na uczelni, wie że wykładowcy zazwyczaj wychodzą z sali drzwiami najbliższymi miejsca, w którym stoją. W audytorium jest to wyjście na poziomie dolnym - blisko tablicy.
Etykiety: Bronisław Wildstein, fałsz, fałszowanie narracji, SB, symulacja, TVP
środa, 3 grudnia 2008
Woda z mózgu będzie robiona
W połowie września telewizje zapowiedziały polityczne trzęsienie ziemi w piątek przed weekendem. Pitera miała powiedzieć coś na Kłopotka. Albo odwrotnie. Rozstrzygnięcie quizu miało nastąpić w poniedziałek.
I co? Starczyło tego bzdetu z Kłopotkiem i Piterą na parę dni. W sam raz, żeby zająć weekend i mówić kompletnie o niczym. Kto dziś pamięta, jakie słowa padły? O co chodziło?
Było dokładnie tak samo, jak na konferencjach prasowych Leppera: on ujawnił, ujawnia i będzie ujawniał. Mówił kompletnie bez sensu, ale nie o sens chodziło. Miał jedynie stwarzać pretekst funkcjonariuszom do powiedzenia lub napisania "a jeśli to, co mówi Lepper, jest choćby w 10 procentach prawdą"? Wiarygodność Leppera jest wzorcem zera w międzynarodowej skali wiarygodności, podobnie jak kawałek metalu w Sevres pod Paryżem pełnił rolę wzorcowego metra. Nie było żadnej różnicy między słowotokiem Leppera, a słowotokiem funkcjonariuszy. W obu przypadkach zerowa zawartość informacji.
A Kłopotek i Pitera? Nie było afery Kłopotka, nie było kwitów, nie było sensu. Nie było niczego prócz ogłupiającego szumu.
Parafrazując Beatę Sawicką, funkcjonariusze mogą mówić:
Woda z mózgu będzie robiona. Teksty na paskach będą szły. Warszawa nasza.
Etykiety: fałsz, fałszowanie narracji, media, symulacja
poniedziałek, 1 grudnia 2008
Komunistyczne kłamstwo Gazety Wyborczej
28 listopada 2008
Socjotechniki Gazety Wyborczej próbka kolejna. Na pierwszym obrazku słowo Moskwa sąsiaduje ze słowem miłość. Pozytywne skojarzenia. Niżej na tym samym obrazku najgorzej o prezydencie USA, jak tylko można.
Na drugim obrazku tytuł doniesienia o śmierci Wolińskiej. Tytuł brzmi tak, jakby to była informacja o śmierci jakiejś prokurator Kowalskiej, która ścigała przestępców:
"Zmarła Helena Kowalska, prokurator, która ścigała członków grupy przestępczej". Wprawdzie pojawia się słowo "stalinowska", ale ma ono bardzo małą zawartość informacyjną. Obok nazwiska Wolińskiej powinno pojawić się słowo "zbrodnia", np. tak:
"Zmarła Helena Wolińska, winna zbrodni sądowych na oficerach polskich".
W tytule Wyborcza użyła "żołnierzach AK", zamiast "oficerów polskich". Osłabia to wymowę tytułu, bo nie pojawia się słowo "polski". Pamiętajmy, że najbardziej znaną z ofiar Wolińskiej był gen. August Emil Fieldorf, generał brygady Wojska Polskiego.
Słowo "ścigać" w tym kontekście jest kłamstwem. Określa bowiem normalną czynność prokuratury, jaką jest próba zatrzymania przestępców i skazania ich prawomocnym wyrokiem.
Na trzecim obrazku tytuł wyszydzający prezydenta Polski. Pojawia się na stronie głównej portalu dużej gazety, a nie w niszowym pisemku satyrycznym.
- Ciepło o Rosji. Z miłością
- Prymitywny atak na prezydenta USA
- Kłamstwo w tytule o zdrajczyni winnej zamordowania oficerów polskich
- Szyderczo o prezydencie Polski
Etykiety: Adam Michnik, fałsz, fałszowanie narracji, Gazeta Wyborcza, propaganda, socjotechnika, symulacja